アダム・スミス 「経済学の父」の思想 「見えざる手」「同感」とは

アダム・スミス(Adam Smith、1723年6月5日- 1790年7月17日)は、イギリスの哲学者、倫理学者、経済学者 「経済学の父」と呼ばれる

Adam Smith’s Thought: The Philosophy of the “Father of Economics” – “The Invisible Hand” and Sympathy





Adam Smith was an 18th-century British philosopher, moralist, and economist, often referred to as the “Father of Economics.”

His ideas were influenced by Scottish Enlightenment thought, natural law philosophy, and mercantilist theories.

スコットランド啓蒙 18世紀および19世紀初頭のスコットランドで起こった一連の人文学・科学の発展の隆盛を指す
Scottish Enlightenment
The Scottish Enlightenment refers to the flourishing of humanities and sciences in Scotland during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.






Adam Smith’s major works include “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” (1759), a treatise on ethics, and “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” (1776), a seminal work on economics.

In “The Theory of Moral Sentiments,” Smith argues that human moral judgments and actions are guided not by reason but by a “moral sense” rooted in emotions such as sympathy and the desire for approval.

In “The Wealth of Nations,” Smith contends that a nation’s wealth is determined by its productivity, which is enhanced through division of labor and free markets.

He is credited with laying the theoretical foundations of liberalism and capitalism, contributing significantly to the modernization and industrial revolution in countries like Britain and America.

However, he has also faced criticism as a proponent of laissez-faire capitalism and has been in opposition to subsequent economists like Marx and Keynes.

アダム・スミスの出身大学 1751年にはグラスゴー大学の論理学教授に就任 ハイ・ストリート沿いにあった1650年のキャンパス
The Scots Worthies. Blackie & Son Glasgow University in 1654

















The Life of Adam Smith

Adam Smith was born in 1723 in Scotland.

His life underwent significant changes alongside the backdrop of the era.

During that time, Britain was in the midst of the Industrial Revolution, with rapid economic and social transformations underway.

He studied at the University of Glasgow and developed an interest in philosophy and economics.

Subsequently, he pursued further studies in countries like France and Switzerland, delving deeper into economics and ethics.

In 1776, Adam Smith published his seminal work “The Wealth of Nations.”

In this book, he expounded on the mechanisms of market economies and the theory of laissez-faire capitalism.

He also viewed human actions through the lens of self-interest, arguing that free competition in markets leads to optimal outcomes.

Adam Smith’s ideas have had a profound impact not only on economics but also on the field of social sciences.

His thoughts continue to influence modern economics and ethics.

One of his famous quotes is “free competition is the best regulation,” which encapsulates the fundamental principles of market economies and underscores the core of his philosophy.

To grasp Adam Smith’s ideas, it is crucial to refer to his works and the literature about him.

To apply his ideas to the present day, it is necessary to consider his theories from both economic and ethical perspectives.

In summary, Adam Smith was a great thinker of Britain whose ideas profoundly influenced economics and social sciences. Understanding his thoughts and applying them to contemporary issues requires referencing his works and related literature.











•    道徳感情の重要性 : アダム・スミスは、人間が他者の感情に共感し、道徳的な行動をする傾向を持っていると考えました。



•    共感と他者との関係 : アダム・スミスは共感能力の概念を重要視しました。



•    自己愛と共愛のバランス : アダム・スミスは自己愛と共愛のバランスが重要だと考えました。



•    自己評価と他者の評価 :アダム・スミスは、個々の人間は自己の行動を他者の視点で評価し、それに基づいて自己の道徳的な価値を判断するというプロセスがあると考えました。


•    倫理の社会的基盤 : アダム・スミスは道徳が社会的な現象であると考えました。




Adam Smith’s Philosophy and Ethics

Adam Smith’s philosophy is credited with laying the foundation for laissez-faire capitalism and market economics.

He believed that humans are rational beings driven by self-interest, and their actions are guided by an invisible hand that leads to the benefit of society as a whole.

Additionally, he proposed a theory of ethics known as “The Theory of Moral Sentiments.”

In this theory, Smith argued that humans share others’ emotions through sympathy and moral imagination, guiding their moral judgments.

He viewed that in a free and equal society, individuals should live according to natural law.

“The Theory of Moral Sentiments”

Adam Smith’s “The Theory of Moral Sentiments,” published in 1759, explores ethical reasoning.

This work addresses a different aspect from his economic work “The Wealth of Nations,” providing insights into morality and ethics.

Below are detailed explanations of the main points and content of “The Theory of Moral Sentiments”:

  • Importance of Moral Sentiments: Adam Smith believed that humans have a tendency to empathize with others’ emotions and engage in moral actions based on emotions. He argued that moral judgments and actions are thus emotional in nature, emphasizing empathy as the foundation of ethical behavior.
  • Sympathy and Relationships with Others: Smith emphasized the concept of sympathy, where individuals understand and empathize with others’ emotions and circumstances to make moral judgments. He noted that relationships with others influence ethical behavior and that empathy plays a crucial role in the development of moral sentiments.
  • Balance between Self-Love and Benevolence: Smith considered the balance between self-love (self-interest) and benevolence (sympathy towards others) crucial. While self-love drives individuals to pursue their own interests, benevolence fosters moral behavior through empathy and mutual understanding. He argued that a moral society is built on harmony between self-love and benevolence.
  • Self-Assessment and Others’ Assessment: Adam Smith suggested that individuals evaluate their actions from the perspective of others, forming their own moral worth based on external evaluations. He discussed how evaluations from others influence self-assessment and shape moral behavior.
  • Social Foundations of Ethics: Smith viewed morality as a social phenomenon influenced by relationships with others and social environments. He suggested that the basis of ethics depends on social factors alongside individual moral reasoning.

“The Theory of Moral Sentiments” presents a perspective distinct from Adam Smith’s advocacy of laissez-faire capitalism in economics. His ethical works have significantly influenced not only economics but also sociology and ethics, deepening understanding of individual moral behavior.

国富論 初版の標題紙
Title Page of the First Edition of “The Wealth of Nations”





•    自由放任主義の基本理念 : 『国富論』の主要なテーマは、経済活動において国家が最小限の干渉しかすべきでないという自由放任主義の理念です。



•    労働価値説と分業の重要性 : アダム・スミスは労働価値説を提唱しました。




•    市場の自己調整機能 : アダム・スミスは市場が自己調整するメカニズムを説明しました。



•    国家の役割と経済政策 : アダム・スミスは、国家の役割についても論じています。




“The Wealth of Nations”

“The Wealth of Nations,” published by Adam Smith in 1776, is considered one of the most significant works in the history of economics.

This book advocates the principles of laissez-faire capitalism and extensively discusses the mechanisms of market economies and economic growth.

Below, I’ll explain the main themes and details of “The Wealth of Nations”:

  • Fundamental Principles of Laissez-Faire: The central theme of “The Wealth of Nations” is the idea of laissez-faire, where the state should intervene minimally in economic activities. Adam Smith believed that individuals naturally pursue self-interest, which naturally regulates market economies. He argued that free competition adjusts prices and supplies, leading to efficient economies.
  • Labor Theory of Value and the Importance of Division of Labor: Adam Smith proposed the labor theory of value, suggesting that the value of a commodity is determined by the labor time required to produce it. He also discussed the significance of division of labor, where specialization improves productivity as workers focus on tasks they excel in, greatly influencing the Industrial Revolution.
  • Self-Adjusting Function of Markets: Adam Smith explained the self-adjusting mechanism of markets. In a free market, he believed that supply and demand are balanced through price mechanisms, achieving a balanced economy. He also argued that competition driven by profit motives enhances productivity and technological innovation.
  • Role of the State and Economic Policies: Adam Smith discussed the role of the state in economic affairs. While advocating minimal state intervention, he acknowledged the necessity of government roles in areas such as national defense and public works.

“The Wealth of Nations” has had a profound impact since its time, significantly influencing the development of economics and policies. The principles of laissez-faire capitalism it espouses have profoundly shaped economic and social developments since the Industrial Revolution, establishing it as a seminal work and foundation of modern economics.

ラファエロ画「アテナイの学堂」の一部。天球儀を手にするヒッパルコスと王冠をかぶり地球儀を手にするプトレマイオス( 83年頃 – 168年頃)は、数学・天文学・占星学・音楽学・光学・地理学・地図製作学など幅広い分野にわたる業績を残した古代ローマの学者)
A portion of Raphael’s painting “The School of Athens”. Ptolemy (circa 83 – 168 CE), depicted wearing a crown and holding a terrestrial globe, and Hipparchus, holding a celestial globe, were ancient Roman scholars renowned for their achievements across a wide range of fields including mathematics, astronomy, astrology, music theory, optics, geography, and cartography.






Principles Guiding Philosophical Inquiry as Exemplified by the History of Astronomy

Known also as “The History of Astronomy,” this work was discovered posthumously after Adam Smith’s death, believed to have been written during his youth.

It extensively discusses the theories of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Descartes, and Newton with considerable accuracy based on sufficient knowledge.

Distinctively, it delves into issues of scientific methodology not in the general sense but within the specific science of astronomy, aligning with its historical context.

Adam Smith reportedly applied the knowledge gained from these four theories to his analyses of economics and society.













Adam Smith’s Influence and Evaluation

Impact on Economics
Adam Smith argued that economies achieve optimal conditions through the free operation of market forces.

His ideas formed the foundation of laissez-faire capitalism and economic liberalism.

His assertion posited that markets determine prices through competition, and economic efficiency is achieved through the adjustment of supply and demand.

Impact on Social Sciences
Adam Smith’s philosophy had a profound impact on the social sciences as well.

He believed that human actions are driven by self-interest.

This perspective has influenced modern economics and psychology.

Moreover, he emphasized the importance of social solidarity and empathy.

His ideas have significantly influenced discussions on societal development and individual happiness.

Adam Smith’s thoughts constitute essential elements underlying economics and social sciences.

His arguments aim to achieve economic efficiency and societal development through the free operation of market economies and self-interested human behavior.

Therefore, his philosophy continues to influence many people to this day.







・ 「労働は富を生む唯一の源泉である」









Adam Smith’s Famous Quotes and Their Meanings

Adam Smith’s quotes have influenced many people, but here are some particularly famous ones:

  • “By pursuing his own interest, [an individual] frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it.”

This statement from “The Wealth of Nations” suggests that under free competition, individuals maximizing their self-interest can also increase the wealth of society as a whole. Smith argued that individuals are guided by an “invisible hand” that directs them towards actions that benefit society, such as market forces of supply, demand, and pricing.

  • “Labour was the first price, the original purchase – money that was paid for all things.”

Also from “The Wealth of Nations,” Smith attributes wealth primarily to labor, rather than to money like gold or silver, which he views merely as a means of exchange. Wealth, according to Smith, comes from the products and services produced by labor, which are socially useful.

  • “Sympathy is the source of moral sentiments.”

This quote, from “The Theory of Moral Sentiments,” emphasizes Smith’s view that moral judgments and actions stem from empathy. He believed humans have the capacity to empathize with the joy and suffering of others, forming moral sentiments. Smith argued that impartial observation from a neutral standpoint is necessary when empathizing, enabling fair judgment based on facts rather than biased perspectives.

These quotes encapsulate Adam Smith’s key philosophical ideas on economics, labor, and morality, which continue to resonate in contemporary discussions.












Applying Adam Smith’s Ideas to the Modern World

Adam Smith, known as the “father of economics,” was a profound thinker whose ideas have significantly influenced contemporary economics and ethics.

To apply his ideas to the modern world, we can consider them from both economic and ethical perspectives.

From an economic standpoint, understanding Adam Smith’s ideas involves grasping the mechanics of market economies and promoting free competition. He advocated the concept of the “invisible hand,” suggesting that free market dynamics lead to optimal economic outcomes. Today, understanding these market mechanisms and respecting free competition remain crucial for fostering economic development.

From an ethical perspective, applying Adam Smith’s ideas involves recognizing the importance of empathy and cooperation. Smith promoted the concept of “sympathy,” arguing that societal harmony arises when individuals consider each other’s well-being. In contemporary times, valuing empathy and cooperation alongside individual pursuits helps foster societal happiness and prosperity.

To effectively apply Adam Smith’s ideas to the modern era, it’s essential to understand and implement both economic and ethical perspectives. By respecting free competition and nurturing empathy and cooperation, we can strive towards the overall development of society.












Reflecting on the life and ideas of Adam Smith, he is revered as a great British philosopher. His seminal work, “The Wealth of Nations,” expounded on the mechanisms of market economies and the importance of free competition, significantly influencing modern economics.

Furthermore, his philosophy emphasizes individual freedom and the pursuit of self-interest, which are crucial for enhancing economic efficiency and national prosperity.

To leverage Adam Smith’s ideas, it is essential to first reevaluate his life and philosophy. Understanding his upbringing, life experiences, and intellectual journey provides insights into the background of his thoughts.

Moreover, to apply Adam Smith’s ideas effectively today, we can integrate his principles of market economies and free competition. Respecting individual freedom and the pursuit of self-interest can foster economic efficiency and national prosperity.

By reassessing Adam Smith’s life and ideas and implementing proposals to apply his philosophy in contemporary society and economics, we can take steps toward achieving a more sustainable future.

Learning from his profound ideas and incorporating them into our own actions and thinking can contribute to building a better future.

