智顗 天台宗の開祖 教相判釈と三大部 法華玄義 法華文句 摩訶止観

Zhiyi: Founder of the Tiantai School, Teaching, Interpretation, and the Three Major Sections: “Commentary on the Meaning of the Teachings,” “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” along with “Mahāyāna Samādhi Sūtra.”













Zhiyi, a monk from the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in China, is renowned as the founder of the Tiantai School.

His teachings systematically organized Buddhist doctrines, exerting a significant influence on later Buddhist thoughts.

At the core of Zhiyi’s philosophy lies the concept of “Teaching, Interpretation,” a methodology for categorizing and elucidating Buddhist scriptures and doctrines.

By employing this approach, Zhiyi organized the complex teachings of Buddhism and conveyed them in an understandable manner to the general populace.

Among Zhiyi’s notable works are the three major sections: “Commentary on the Meaning of the Teachings,” “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra.”

These works extensively expound upon the interpretation of the Lotus Sutra and the practice of meditation, laying the foundation for the doctrines of the Tiantai School.

In particular, “Commentary on the Meaning of the Teachings” elucidates the profound significance of the Lotus Sutra, while “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” provides interpretations of specific passages.

On the other hand, “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” details meditation practices, advocating for the tranquility of the mind and techniques for observation.

Zhiyi’s teachings serve as crucial guidelines for deeply understanding and practicing Buddhist doctrines.






























Zhiyi: Life and Accomplishments

Zhiyi (538-597) was a monk during China’s Sui Dynasty and is known as the founder of the Tiantai School.

His teachings in Buddhism were particularly systematic, with “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings” being a notable example.

Zhiyi categorized Buddhist scriptures into five periods and explained them through eight teachings.

Among Zhiyi’s major works are the “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Great Calming and Contemplation.”

The “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” interprets the theoretical aspects of the Lotus Sutra, while the “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” provides a detailed explanation of its verses.

On the other hand, the “Great Calming and Contemplation” outlines essential meditation practices.

Zhiyi’s life profoundly influenced both the theoretical and practical aspects of Buddhism.

His teachings later spread to Japan’s Tendai School, influencing many monks.

Zhiyi’s contributions are highly regarded for their significance in the development of Buddhism.

Zhiyi’s Life: Birth and Death Years and Key Events

Zhiyi (538-597) was a prominent monk known as the “founder of the Tiantai School” during China’s Sui Dynasty.

He advocated “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings,” systematically organizing Buddhist doctrines.

Zhiyi’s notable works include “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Great Calming and Contemplation.”

Through these works, he delved deeply into the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, exerting a significant influence on future generations.

An essential event in Zhiyi’s life was his meditation practice on Mount Tiantai.

Through this practice, he deepened his understanding of Buddhist doctrines and laid the foundation for the Tiantai School.

Moreover, he earned respect from the Sui Emperor and high esteem within the Buddhist community.

Zhiyi’s philosophies and teachings spread not only throughout China but also to Japan and Korea, where they continue to be studied by monks and scholars today.

His teachings serve as vital clues for deepening the understanding of Buddhism.

Zhiyi’s Achievements: Role as the Founder of the Tiantai School

Zhiyi (538-597) was a monk during China’s Southern and Northern Dynasties period, renowned as the founder of the Tiantai School.

His achievements were diverse, with “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings” being particularly notable.

This method of categorizing Buddhist scriptures into five periods and eight teachings significantly contributed to the systemization of Buddhist understanding.

Additionally, Zhiyi left behind important works such as “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra.”

These works provided profound interpretations of the Lotus Sutra, greatly influencing Buddhist studies in later generations.

Especially, “Great Calming and Contemplation” detailed meditation and contemplation practices, forming the foundation of Tiantai School’s meditation methods.

Zhiyi’s philosophy transcended mere theory, also offering practical guidance.

His teachings spread not only in China but also throughout East Asia, including Japan and Korea, contributing significantly to the development of the Tiantai School.






























Tiantai School Theory: Teachings of Zhiyi

Zhiyi (538-597) is a significant figure in the theory of the Tiantai School.

Born in 538 in China, he founded the Tiantai School.

Zhiyi’s teachings are systematized by the concept of “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings,” which categorizes Buddhist teachings into five periods and eight doctrines.

Especially, his three major works, “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Great Calming and Contemplation,” are crucial texts for understanding his philosophy.

“The Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” explains the profound meanings of the Lotus Sutra, while “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” offers interpretations of specific verses.

On the other hand, “Great Calming and Contemplation” elaborates on meditation techniques and theories, systematically transmitting Zhiyi’s teachings.

His theories had a significant impact on Japan’s Tendai School, transmitted to Japan by Saicho.

Zhiyi’s teachings integrate both the theory and practice of Buddhism, allowing access to his profound thoughts through his writings.

Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings: Zhiyi’s Interpretation of Doctrine

Zhiyi (538-597) is renowned as the “founder of the Tiantai School,” with his doctrinal interpretations holding a crucial place in Buddhist history.

One of his notable doctrinal interpretations is “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings.”

This methodology categorizes Buddhist teachings into five periods based on the progression of time, dividing them into eight doctrines.

Through this system, Zhiyi illustrated how Buddha’s teachings evolved and deepened over time.

His doctrinal interpretations were concretized through works like “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Great Calming and Contemplation.”

Especially in “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” he expounds upon the profound meanings of the Lotus Sutra, emphasizing its significance.

Moreover, “Great Calming and Contemplation” provides detailed descriptions of meditation and practice methods, significantly influencing the practical aspect of Buddhism.

Zhiyi’s doctrinal interpretations not only remained theoretical but also paved the way to attain truth through practice.

Such a comprehensive doctrinal system continued to exert a significant influence on later Buddhist thoughts.

Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra and Verses on the Lotus Sutra: Zhiyi’s Interpretation of the Lotus Sutra

Zhiyi (538-597) was active during China’s Sui Dynasty and is known as the “founder of the Tiantai School.”

His interpretations of the Lotus Sutra are particularly detailed in two works: “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra.”

“Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” elucidates the profound meanings of the Lotus Sutra, while “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” provides annotations on specific passages.

Zhiyi constructed his unique doctrinal system called “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings.”

This system organized Buddhist scriptures into five periods and divided each teaching into eight doctrines, thereby organizing the entirety of Buddhist teachings.

This doctrinal classification significantly influenced later Buddhist thought.

Additionally, another crucial work by Zhiyi, “Great Calming and Contemplation,” contains detailed explanations of meditation and practice methods.

Through these works, Zhiyi deeply understood and successfully disseminated the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.

His philosophies played a vital role in the subsequent development of Buddhism.


























Zhiyi’s Meditation Method: Mohe Zhiguan

Zhiyi, the founder of the Tiantai School during China’s Sui Dynasty, is widely known for his meditation method called “Mohe Zhiguan,” which has gained recognition as a Buddhist practice.

“Mohe Zhiguan,” written by Zhiyi between 566 and 567, explains the profound teachings of Buddhism in a practical manner.

This meditation method consists of two elements: “Zhì” (cessation) and “Guān” (observation), combining the calming of the mind with the observation of truth.

Zhiyi also contributed to the systematization of Buddhist doctrines.

His works like “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” provide detailed explanations of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.

Especially, the concept of “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings” categorizes Buddhism’s developmental stages into five periods and eight doctrines, simplifying the complex Buddhist doctrines for better understanding.

Thus, Zhiyi’s teachings, along with “Mohe Zhiguan,” continue to influence not only the Tiantai School but also Buddhism as a whole.

Overview of Mohe Zhiguan: Zhiyi’s Proposed Meditation Method

Zhiyi, an influential monk who founded the Tiantai School in 6th-century China, introduced the meditation method known as “Mohe Zhiguan,” a significant part of his teachings.

“Mohe Zhiguan,” literally combining “cessation” and “observation,” comprises two aspects: calming the mind and observing the essence of things.

Through this meditation method, Zhiyi pointed the way to enlightenment.

His work “Mohe Zhiguan” is a vital text for understanding the doctrines of the Tiantai School.

He also left behind works like “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” and “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” which explain Buddhist doctrines based on “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings.”

Zhiyi’s teachings, particularly centered around the Lotus Sutra, influenced not only later Chinese Buddhism but also had a significant impact on Japanese Buddhism.

The practice of Mohe Zhiguan aims to maintain inner peace in daily life and gain profound insights, making it relevant in contemporary times.

Practice of Mohe Zhiguan: Its Method and Significance

“Mohe Zhiguan” is a meditation method systematized by Zhiyi, a Chinese monk known as the founder of the Tiantai School.

This meditation method comprises two elements: “cessation” and “observation,” as outlined in Zhiyi’s teachings.

Through works like “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Mohe Zhiguan,” Zhiyi elucidated the doctrines based on “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings,” organizing Buddhist teachings.

In the practice of Mohe Zhiguan, one stabilizes the mind through “cessation” and then discerns the truth of things through “observation.”

This process promotes inner peace in daily life and facilitates deep understanding.

Especially in “Mohe Zhiguan,” specific steps for meditation are detailed.

The significance of this meditation method lies in purifying individual minds and attaining enlightenment from a broader perspective.

Based on the teachings of the Tiantai School, Mohe Zhiguan continues to be practiced by many in contemporary times.





















智顗(538年 – 597年)は中国隋代の僧侶で、天台宗の開祖として知られています。








The Influence of Zhiyi and the Tiantai School

Zhiyi (538-597) is renowned as the founder of the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism.

He established the doctrinal system of “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings,” which greatly influenced the interpretation of Buddhist scriptures.

In particular, his three major works, “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Mohe Zhiguan,” laid the foundation of Tiantai doctrine.

Zhiyi’s philosophy, centered around the Lotus Sutra, provided a systematic way to understand Buddhism as a whole.

His teachings spread to Japan during the Nara period and were propagated by Saicho.

Saicho established the Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei, nurturing the Tiantai School as a major branch of Japanese Buddhism.

As a result, Zhiyi’s ideology became deeply rooted in Japanese Buddhism.

Zhiyi’s influence extended not only to China and Japan but also to Korea and Vietnam, significantly shaping Buddhist thought across East Asia.

His doctrines continue to stimulate profound philosophical inquiries in Buddhism, inspiring many monks and scholars.

Impact on Buddhism: Position of the Tiantai School

The Tiantai School, founded by Zhiyi in 6th-century China, had a significant influence on later Buddhism.

Zhiyi, known as the founder of the Tiantai School, introduced the concept of “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings,” which is highly regarded as a crucial method for interpreting Buddhist scriptures.

This classification system divides Buddhist teachings into five periods and eight doctrines, providing a vital framework for deepening the understanding of Buddhism.

Additionally, Zhiyi’s works such as “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Mohe Zhiguan” form the pillars supporting the doctrines of the Tiantai School.

“Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” explains the profound meanings of the Lotus Sutra, while “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” provides detailed explanations of each chapter and verse of the Lotus Sutra.

“Mohe Zhiguan” systematically explains meditation methods and serves as a widely used guide for practice.

Through such doctrines and practices, the Tiantai School continues to have a profound influence on Buddhism as a whole.

Global Impact: Significance of Zhiyi and the Tiantai School in Modern Times

Zhiyi (538-597) was a Chinese monk during the Sui Dynasty, renowned as the founder of the Tiantai School.

His “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings” played a crucial role in organizing and deepening the understanding of Buddhist doctrines.

Particularly, works like “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Mohe Zhiguan” significantly contributed to the advancement of Buddhist thought.

Even in modern times, Zhiyi’s philosophy continues to influence many people.

For instance, his “Mohe Zhiguan” is widely accepted as a meditation practice method, serving as an essential guide for those seeking spiritual stability and personal growth.

Furthermore, Zhiyi’s teachings had a significant impact on Japanese Buddhism.

During the Heian period, Saicho introduced the Tiantai School to Japan, contributing to the development of Japanese Buddhism.

Zhiyi’s teachings still hold a crucial position in contemporary religious studies and spiritual inquiries.











Exploring Related Terms: Zhiyi and His Influence

Zhiyi was a prominent monk who flourished during China’s Southern and Northern Dynasties period, known as the founder of the Tiantai School.

His ideology is based on a unique doctrinal system called “The Classification of Teachings in Five Periods and Eight Teachings.”

This system categorizes Buddhist scriptures into five periods and elucidates appropriate teachings for each.

Zhiyi’s major works include “Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra,” “Verses on the Lotus Sutra,” and “Mohe Zhiguan.”

“Mystical Meanings of the Lotus Sutra” elucidates the profound meanings of the Lotus Sutra, while “Verses on the Lotus Sutra” focuses on interpreting the text of the Lotus Sutra.

“Mohe Zhiguan” serves as a detailed guidebook on meditation practices and holds a significant practical importance.

Zhiyi’s teachings exerted a considerable influence not only in China but also in Japan.

Especially during Japan’s Heian period, the Tiantai School spread as a state religion, and many monks studied Zhiyi’s works.

His ideology continues to be studied by numerous Buddhist scholars even in modern times.

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